The Journey on a Disc

It was the month of December. I was sleeping with my wife and baby in a hotel-room. No one wants to remove the blanket by which he/she was covered at night while sleeping and when his/her sleep is almost completed then also he/she does not want to remove the blanket and leave the bed until he/she is pressurised or has tension for work. India is a place where we can see "Unity in diversity”. A few quotations or statements cannot describe the pedestal that India holds on to the world map because of its colourful and unique culture. From the times of Mauryas, Cholas and Mughals to the period of British Empire, India has always been famous for its traditions and hospitality. The warmth in the relations and euphoria in celebrations make the country stand out distinctively in the global fraternity. The country's liveliness and generosity attract a number of tourists to its vibrant culture, which is an amalgamation of religions, festivals, food, art, crafts, dance, music and many other subtle things. Everything, from the culture and values to customs, rituals and traditions, is “special” in this “Land of Gods.” In this winter, we came to India to see its cultural heritage, monuments and geographical diversity. We took a resort in Kolkata. It is said that, when a man fills his need of resting then he dreams. In a typical lifetime, we spend over six years dreaming. On an average, we can dream for about one to two hours every night and we can have four to seven different dreams in one night. There are some astounding cases where people actually dreamt about things, which happened to them later, in the exact same ways they dreamed about. But this morning I was dreaming something different. It is said that, we would associate sleeping with peace and quiet, but actually, our brains are more active during sleep than during the day. This dream is a suitable example of this opinion. In this dream, I left my family and went away. I love them very much and I never want to leave them. There is a proverb, “Spend a night camping under the stars”. In this dream, something happened like that. 12/12/2012. “Oh! What the Hell; what is wrong with me?”- I cried and opened my eyes. My arms were strongly fastened by metallic ropes and someone was pulling my long thick hair. I heard whispering among three or four persons, “Is he the right man, Are we right? If he is not we’ve to fill penalty.” etc. Then I saw four tiny men arrested me and brought me on a disc. I also seemed too tiny than what really I am. No one could hear my voice except those four constables having long white hair and long beard. Each of them wore lot of jewelleries and thin clothes. I was surprised to see in the month of December how can they wear such metallic jewelleries and thin clothes. Suddenly I was struck dumb. I have seen my body is smashed by broken beam and people gathered there. Some labourers were trying to bring out my body from beneath the broken beam. Ambulance and police-van came on the spot and the rescuing operation was done in a war footing. But Alas! I was dead. They were pushing and pulling my dead-body and trying to put it on the stretcher. I tried to flee from the bound but I failed. The four constables tightened the bound and pulled my hair. I shouted “Oh! No”, it hurt me too much. Then one of them slapped me heavily and I became senseless for a while. Suddenly my sense came back and I saw a beautiful place like Disneyland. Some very shiny balls like silver-balls twinkling in front of us. I was frightened when a big grey ball came across us. But they told, “Don’t be frightened, it is the moon and it will not harm you”. This incident made me as I jumped out of my skin. I asked them, “In the Earth we were very small but now we are too big; how is it possible?” One of them told me, “As we are going far from the Earth our size is gradually increasing”. Gradually we crossed various planets, stars, galaxies, groceries etc. The place was really wonderful. Those all were made me awe and I was staring at those as if an innocent baby looks a new thing. Our disc was moving so fast. When I was child, I loved to play “Temple-run” or “Run on Tracks”. The journey was seemed to me like those games. The disc was growing up and down, left and right in a rotating motion. I stood rooted to the spot on the disc, but seeing is the believing! I asked the constables, “What is the speed of this disc?” They told me, “It is about 1200lightyear/second”. When I heard it, my jaw dropped and my eyes were on stalks. “How are we fixed on the open disc?”- I asked them with enthusiasm. They replied, “It is not only a disc. It is the Sudarshan Chakra of Lord Vishnu”. I was surprised after hearing this and started thinking, “How big his fingers and how big he is!” When I was thinking one of them said, “We just crossed the Jupiter. It will take much more time to reach to S.P. Yam Raj.” Then I was surprised and started thinking again and suddenly one asked me, “How old are you.”(They know almost everything about me, though they asked for time-pass). I answered briefly, “35”. Then one said by whispering that I have to reborn after a long time. Then suddenly one asked me, “What is the age of your wife?” I replied, “37”. For some time they were surprised (it may be real or just acting) and asked me, “your wife is older than you?” I told them, “It was a love-marriage. First, I did not know her age but loved her and then she fell in love with me. Apart from her age, she is Christian and I am a Hindu-Brahmin. My family and relatives did not want to accept her but we got married, we have a baby also. Both of our relatives left us, though I was able to convince my parents. We left our city due to bad rumours and tortures from both of our relatives”. They said, “Marriage and love is previously planned and your wife will die when her age will be 68. Then after your birth, she will be born after four years and both of you will be born in Muslim families.” Then suddenly I saw Hazrat Muhammad, Chaitanya Dev, Constantinople, Kabira, Peer Suleiman (Dadajee), Mahavira, Nanak, Swami Vivekananda were drinking tea together and Guru Govinda was serving them tea-cup; Jesus Christ is the shop-keeper. This incident raised my eyebrows and I asked the four constable, “How is it possible and how can I identify them?” They smiled and told me, “Apart from narrow religion, they all are human beings and your religion is humanity. After death all come together and everyone knows each other.” Then they pointed me another scenario, where Lenin, Mao Zedong, Roosevelt, Churchill, Hitler, Laden, Mussolini, Subhas Chandra, Charles de Gaulle, Eduard Daladier, Mandela, Hirohito etc. were playing football and the ball is the Earth. Though I love to play football, I didn’t join with them because my arms were bounded and I was not willing to play with them in that time. One of the constable said, “Hitler will be reborn soon in Iraq and he may be the leader of Islamic State after Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi.” After going some distance we saw Gandhijee, Jinnah, Jawaharlal, Mountbatten, Edwina were playing hide & seek. Then we saw Neptune, Venus, Dropadi, Aphrodite, Eva, Radha, Diana were playing with chalk. Akbar was sweeping the path, Aurangzeb was cutting hair in a hair-cutting saloon, Asoka was cleaning a cart of god, Alexander was controlling the crowd on the road, Napoleon was driving a cart, Tai Sung, Young Si-kiang was gardening, and Elizabeth was cooking food for gods. Saha Jahan, Chandragupta, Philip, Constantine, Suleiman Shah, Osman, Zenobia, Theodora, Razia, Sabina were working in a construction project. As a Civil Engineer, I stopped there for some time and looked after their work for a while. However, the constables hurried me too much, because we had to be present in front of Mr. Yam Raj. Lot of people were working on the land. There was a big jail. Lot of people were suffering their penalty in this jail, some of them were beaten very much, and crying loudly because they did badly works in the Earth. The constables told me, “This is the hail.” It was completely a new land. Then the constables brought me to a hall. The hall is so big that I could not see another end from the other end. It has a very large door where our disc can enter. We met the superintendent of police, Mr. Yam Raj. He asked me my name and looked at my forehead, then he typed something on the wall, the wall was completely transparent and hidden but when he was typing, words were shown. This incident reminded me the Bollywood movie “3G”. Then he sent me to the auditor. The constables told me the auditing officer is Mr. Chitragupta. The officer calculated something and told them, “Send him to Mr. X”. From the auditing officer to Mr. X there was a long journey. I asked them, “Who is Mr. X?” They told me, “He is the chairman of our organization”. There was a restricted area is this big hall, separated by glass-walls. I have seen lot of people were operating skin-touch computers and looking the CCTV footage from various points of the Earth and the Universe. Then I saw a round table meeting by the board of directors of the organization under the leadership of a tall handsome man. The four constables told me, “He is Mr. Zeus, but many people know him as Mr. Jupiter or Indra Dev.” There was a lover couple seating beside each other- they were Mr. Madan (Kam Dev) and Miss Hera (Juno or Rati), they maintain the inter-personal relationships and control the reproduction system. The other members of the board were Mr. Poseidon (also known as Mr. Neptune or Varun Dev, control the water resource system); Saraswati Devi (Athena or Minerva, Chief adviser and wonderful speaker, future planner of the organization); Mr. Vulcan (Viswakarma Dev or Mr. Hephaestus, Recruiter for manufacturing industries), Mrs. Laxmi (Mrs. Gaea or Mrs. Demeter, Chief Investor), Mr. Ares (investor for protection/defence), Mr. Pavan (air controller) etc. I stared at them and then suddenly a white haired, white bearded and white dressed tall man asked me something and told it to the I.C. This tall man is the H.R. of the organization, Lord Brahma, also known as Cronos. The I.C. is a woman, Mrs. Kali (Mrs. Proserpine). Then a yellow dressed young man, named Mr. Narad (Mr. Hermes or Mr. Mercury), collected all the reports and he was said to tell it to the managing director of the organization. I asked a constable, “Who is the M.D.?” He replied, “He is none other than Lord Vishnu or Lord Buddha”. Then finally, I reached to Mr. X. He will decide my future. When I saw him, I stared at him for a long time. He is a clean-shaved, tall, handsome, longhaired gentleman and his body was shining very much. His voice is the best voice I ever heard and his attitude was great. He told the constables to leave me alone. Then the constables removed the bindings and I get down from the disc. They left the place with the disc. He just told me, “Son” and my eyes were filled with tears. I want to say him lot of things but I was unable to say anything in front of him. My knees were bent, head was bounded, and my eyes were closed. I heard various sound coming from various places, but I find an internal peace, my all tension fled away and this was the best moment, ever I’ve filled. Then he told in my ears in a low voice, “People who worship creatures, worship gods. Be a human, not a fake religious guy. Forget what is your caste or religion. Love and help people but don’t expect any return, it may hurt you. I’m the God, I’m the Apollo, I’m the Pashupati, I’m the Aadinath, I’m the Allah, I’m Shiva. I’m living everywhere. I’m in Rome, I’m in Cairo, I’m Medina, I’m in Israel, I’m in Jerusalem, I’m in Kuala Lumpur, I’m in Allahabad, I’m in Varanasi, I’m in Palitana, I’m in Neo-Druidism, I’m in Shugendō, I’m in Amritsar. I’m living in temple, Church, Mosque, Gurudwara, and Pagoda. Don’t search me here & there. I’m always in your heart. We thought human is the best creation of us, but now we think human is the worst creation of us. Forget war; forget Hindu, Muslim, Sikh, Christian, Jain, Mayans etc. Forget Protestant, Catholic, Hinyana, Mahayana, Swetambar, Digambar, Shia, Sunni, Brahmin, and Shudra. Just be human and listen the voice of your heart.” Suddenly my baby kicked my thigh and I shouted and then my wife scolded me and an argument started at the beginning of the day. Then I told myself, “Oh! It’s life.”


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